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Wednesday, November 7, 2007

I love LAMB!

ShowHype: hype it up!
I love LAMB. Really I do. And by LAMB, I am talking about the Large Association of Movie Blogs! My good friend over at Blog Cabins has started up this great community for all of us movie bloggers out there. It's just another great way to get your blog out there in the world, and also to make a lot of friends in the blogosphere.

I know that I'll be heading over there to check out some of the blogs there on a regular basis. Mine is the most recent one on there, and boy am I glad I was added! There is so much potential over there. I've got some ideas which I'll probably bounce over to Fletch, the creator, to help promote the place.

It's gonna be big. And you movie bloggers out there don't want to miss out on this opportunity. I just can't believe I didn't think of it myself! Congrats to my buddy Fletch!

Anyway, what are you waiting for! Head on over to the LAMB and sign up. You won't regret it!

3 Comments Posted!:

Fletch said...

Awesome picture. How can you not love LAMB? ;)

Yes, hit me with your ideas whenever they hit you. LAMB thanks you for promoting it, and of course, for being a part of it.

Matt said...

LAMB directed me to your site and my day is already sweeter. Mmmm, lamb. I like my lamb medium-rare.

joen05 said...

@fletch, I will hit you up with those ideas soon, sorry I've been a bit busy.

@Matt, great to have you here, I'll have to check out your blog!