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Friday, November 16, 2007

Buying a New House?

ShowHype: hype it up!
As some of you may know, my family will be purchasing a new house soon. One of the major things we had to do was to find the proper mortgage, one we could afford, and at a good rate. Being new to this, we didn't really know what to do. We were lucky to find a real estate agent and a lawyer who were willing to walk us through the whole process. It would have been really nice to be able to find a site where we could compare mortgages. In the end, we managed to do ok. Just remember, mortgages are key when buying a home, so do your research!

Of course, if you don't find the right deal, you could always look into Remortgages.

4 Comments Posted!:

Deadpoolite said...

Good luck with the house hunt and it seems you are going about it the right way so no worries.

Take care!

Stephanie said...

How is the house hunt going? Haven't heard much lately. My hunt has been first, and then once I pay those bills, we'll see if I can afford a house :)

joen05 said...

Thanks, DP. I'm in the car search too! Check it out over at To Infiniti and Beyond!

Hi Skittle! The house hunt is done. My family is almost finished building our new home. We should be moving in about a month or so. I will keep you updated!

Karen said...

Hi ! Haven't popped by in a while. Isee you're doing really well with your blog ! How's it been with earning money for you ?